Monday 9 December 2013

The Sound, by Ella

Hoo zzz. "Rachel come," said a voice.
"Who are you?" asked Rachel.  Rachel tip toes to her bed room window. "Hello?" she calls out. Rachel slips and finds herself going DOWN, DOWn, DOwn, Down, down. "Help!" she screams. "Help, help, help!"  Fog blows everywhere.  Grey darkness clogs up my eyes.

KABOOM! Feet first, the fog clears away. That's strange, I walk across the garden thinking where to go and what to do next.  I strode along the land, not getting anywhere... until I here the same noise.  For a second I thought it was a mysterious dream. "Wake up," I pinch myself. Then I realised a girl named Sally was lost too. "Whats your name?" Rachel said, astonished. "My name's Sally"she exclaimed.
"I'm lost, and scared," she added. "Me too, but with you I'm not that scared."

They both explored the town together.  Rachel gets used to it, and becomes closer friends with Sally.

Sally and Rachel  see a magic door.  "Rachel what are you looking at?" "That door" Rachel says. They both open it.  FLASH! Rachel finds herself back in bed. Was that a dream?  Maybe. "Rachel come," said a voice...

By Ella

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Room 8 Rappers - Take a look at the raps we wrote about the milk we've been drinking at school!

Kaylee & Jacob

Daniel & Regan

Irza & Natalia

Owen & Logan



Faronc'e & Alex

Lelani & Carys

Janke & Hayley

Danika & Callum

Ella & Brooklyn

Tuesday 19 November 2013


A few photos from Clip n Climb and Manukau on the Move's Top Town during EOTC week for the Year 4 students...

Monday 11 November 2013

Year 5 & 6 Camp Survey

We are interested in feedback from parents regarding the recent Year 5 & 6 Camp at Chosen Valley Christian Camp.  Please take a few minutes to complete the online survey for us.

Stay posted for photos and video from the camp.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Homefun for weeks 3 and 4

Due to a number of disruptions to the normal programme (Labour Day, Athletics Day, Year 5 & 6 Camp), Room 8 will not be given Homefun to complete during weeks 3 and 4 of this Term.  Students should still continue to read each night and practise the courses on Mathletics.

Mr Blake

Sunday 22 September 2013


My Uncle Phillip has hazel eyes.
He wears jandals all the time.
He wears black singlets and brown shorts.

Sometimes when he goes on the treadmill  he goes so fast that he falls off and hits the wall.  He drinks too many beers and falls asleep and me and my Dad have to drag him to the bedroom .

My Uncle Phillip  he likes to play golf. People think he's cool. When he's not around he's usually at his friend's house, or playing golf, or fishing.

He says, "I love you the most in the whole entire world." I say "I do too."  He makes me feel good about myself.


Thursday 19 September 2013

My Mum (Poetic Description) by Ella

My mum wears pretty long dresses and pink cardigan.

Mum loves to cook.  After she cooks she makes a big mess.
Dad says "clean it up."
Mum says "No, I always do it!"

Mum is so funny, she makes me laugh so hard.
Sometimes she says unfunny jokes!
I say "That's not really funny"
And mum says "So?"