
Homework tracking sheet for Scientific Investigation

Due end of week 6 (Friday 14th June)

Think of a science experiment that you could make into a fair test for your scientific investigation. Remember a fair test is when you change one variable.  You can find many ideas for simple experiments on Youtube or www.sciencebob.com.

What is the title of your fair test? 



Explain what your fair test is about? (Your question)







You can do your scientific investigation independently, in pairs or in a group of 3. If you choose to work with others they must be from Room 8 and you will need to organise yourselves outside school hours to carry out the scientific investigation. 

Are you working by yourself, in pairs or in a group of 3 (name group members)?



Teacher Signature____________________________  Date: 

Parent/caregiver signature______________________ Date: 

Due end of week 7 (Friday 21st June)

This week you need to write about your fair test. 

(what do you want to find out?)



(Why are you doing this fair test?)





Method (step by step instructions)







3) _____________________________________________________________________











(Prediction-what do you think is going to happen?)





Teacher Signature____________________________  Date: 

Parent/caregiver signature______________________ Date:

Due end of week 8 (28th June)

Time to carry out your fair test. Don’t  forget to follow the method and get mum/dad/caregiver to take photos of you carrying out the test (especially the results)








Reflection: Was my hypothesis correct? Why or why not?






Teacher Signature____________________________  Date: 

Parent/caregiver signature______________________ Date:

Due end of week 9 (5th July)

This week you need to publish all your writing for your scientific investigation (if you don’t have a printer at home and you do your publishing on the computer, save your work to a memory stick and I can print it out for you at school). Please publish your Question, Purpose, Equipment, Title, Hypothesis, Method, Results, Reflection and any photos you took whilst carrying out your scientific investigation.

Parent/caregiver signature______________________ Date:

Due week 10 (1st-5th July) 

Time to present your scientific investigation. You will need a piece/pieces of large cardboard to display all your publishing. Cardboard display stands can either be made or bought from stationery stores.  Be creative and think about how to make your display stand out from the others.

You can start bringing in your scientific investigations anytime during week 9. All scientific investigations are due on Monday of Week 10.  Celebration in week 10 will be students presenting their scientific investigations. 

Parent/caregiver signature______________________ Date: 

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