Monday 9 December 2013

The Sound, by Ella

Hoo zzz. "Rachel come," said a voice.
"Who are you?" asked Rachel.  Rachel tip toes to her bed room window. "Hello?" she calls out. Rachel slips and finds herself going DOWN, DOWn, DOwn, Down, down. "Help!" she screams. "Help, help, help!"  Fog blows everywhere.  Grey darkness clogs up my eyes.

KABOOM! Feet first, the fog clears away. That's strange, I walk across the garden thinking where to go and what to do next.  I strode along the land, not getting anywhere... until I here the same noise.  For a second I thought it was a mysterious dream. "Wake up," I pinch myself. Then I realised a girl named Sally was lost too. "Whats your name?" Rachel said, astonished. "My name's Sally"she exclaimed.
"I'm lost, and scared," she added. "Me too, but with you I'm not that scared."

They both explored the town together.  Rachel gets used to it, and becomes closer friends with Sally.

Sally and Rachel  see a magic door.  "Rachel what are you looking at?" "That door" Rachel says. They both open it.  FLASH! Rachel finds herself back in bed. Was that a dream?  Maybe. "Rachel come," said a voice...

By Ella