Wednesday 20 March 2013

Other than "Said"

With Ms Fothergill, we have been learning about strong verbs. Today we looked at strong verbs for a words we use a lot in our narratives or recounts... 'said'.
It's OK to use said, but it can get boring if it is used all the time. Plus, a strong verb gives a better idea of what is happening in the conversation.
Here's a Tagxedo creation of some of the alternatives we found in the books we were reading:

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Pastel Name Art

Names of Room 8

Picasso Jigsaw Art

This is the original Picasso artwork that Miss Harland cut into 25 sections.
Each of us were given one of these sections to draw with pastels.

Here is our finished artwork, with all of our separate sections pieced together.


WALT: hit and strike a ball using a baseball bat.
SC: - I bend my wrists and elbows when I pull back to swing.
       - I keep my eye on the ball when I swing to make sure I hit the ball.

Gurka Trail Fitness!

Room 8 has been building our upper body strength and developing our balance on the Gurkha trail during fitness this year.  Some of the stations are quite hard, we show resilience by trying to improve each time we use the Gurkha Trail

Swinging through the spinning rings.

Climbing the rock wall

Stomach crunches

Admiring the view from the top

Stretching out our tongues

Traversing the liana vines

Monkey bars

Balancing on the beam

Pressups with our feet raised; these are hard!

Using commas by Hayley

WALT: use commas to interrupt my sentence with more information.
SC: - I have a main idea.
       - I add some detail to my main idea by interrupting it in the middle.

My little brother is so annoying, he always pulls my hair, I wish I had a sister instead.

Jacob loves kayaking, he gets to go with his Dad, he'd do it every day if he could.

I love netball, it keeps me so fit, I play it every Saturday.

Rugby by Callum

WALT: Organise our ideas into paragraphs.
SC: - Each paragraph contains 2-3 sentences related to one main idea or topic.
       - I start a new paragraph when I want to start writing about a new topic.

Rugby is a sport that involves a group of people kicking a round ball and scoring goals.  It contains tackling, diving and running really fast.

I've been playing rugby for 2 years now.  It is a lot of fun.  Even though I slipped a lot of the time.  Nothing would stop me from getting up.

Thursday 7 March 2013


Home Learning - Ella what a delight to have your Picassohead picture in my Inbox.  If anyone else would like to make one here is the link:  please email your finished picture to and I will post it to the blog.