Wednesday 10 July 2013

Crazy Cupcake Day in Room 8

Fun, fun, fun - what a fantastic and delicious day!  
The 'theme' for the day was collaboration and great team work.  We discussed working positively together (a Reremoana School Learning Competency) to make the day positive for everyone in the class.  Students bus stopped around a selection of activities throughout the course of the day based around 'Cupcakes'. 
* Baking the cupcakes - maths/measurement
* Scrapbook cupcakes - art/design
* Recipe books/language activity - spelling/reading
* Draw a net (3 dimensional shape) for a cupcake box - maths/geometry/measurement
* ICT - taking photo's/computer activities related to baking

A particular thanks to the parents/volunteers that helped us with this learning experience.  
Thank you to Mr Warn (guest judge) and Mr Blake for judging the winners - Callum, Ella, Irza.  

Thursday 4 July 2013


                                                Alex's body language.

Body language is when we communicate by using actions.

When we use body language, we use expressions on our face that tell people what we are thinking.

If you become a master everyone will know what you're trying to say.  That is because some people cannot hear, so you need body language .

There are people out there that can't talk.  People all over the world that can't talk so they use body language .

We all use a little bit of body language.


Monday 1 July 2013

Maori Language Week - Making Poi in Room 8

We have been busy in Room 8 learning songs for Maori Language Week.  This week we learnt a song that is sung will you are using a Poi.
Here is a link to the song we learnt:

The Poi were quite tricky to make and had a number of steps that were fairly fiddly for our fingers.  We had to show a lot of resilience today to complete a set - plaiting, tying knots, cutting the wool.  Miss Harland was very impressed at how we collaborated and helped each other.

The was the YouTube clip that we watched to pick up some handy hints: