Sunday 22 September 2013


My Uncle Phillip has hazel eyes.
He wears jandals all the time.
He wears black singlets and brown shorts.

Sometimes when he goes on the treadmill  he goes so fast that he falls off and hits the wall.  He drinks too many beers and falls asleep and me and my Dad have to drag him to the bedroom .

My Uncle Phillip  he likes to play golf. People think he's cool. When he's not around he's usually at his friend's house, or playing golf, or fishing.

He says, "I love you the most in the whole entire world." I say "I do too."  He makes me feel good about myself.


Thursday 19 September 2013

My Mum (Poetic Description) by Ella

My mum wears pretty long dresses and pink cardigan.

Mum loves to cook.  After she cooks she makes a big mess.
Dad says "clean it up."
Mum says "No, I always do it!"

Mum is so funny, she makes me laugh so hard.
Sometimes she says unfunny jokes!
I say "That's not really funny"
And mum says "So?"


Wednesday 18 September 2013

Book Week!

Week 9 is Reremoana's annual book week.  As part of book week, Room 8 will be doing some fun and interesting reading and writing activities that will explore our favourite books and authors.

Two activities will require some preparation / help from home.  On Monday we'll be sharing our favourite books with the class, which means we need to bring in a copy of our favourite book and be ready to describe it to the class.  We'll be using our favourite books to write book reviews that will be come a 'Room 8's Favourite Books File'.  On Friday, we'll be dressing up as a character.  This character will either be a character from our favourite book, or an imaginary character that we have described ourselves as part of character poems we'll be writing.  Start giving some thought now as to what you have, or can find that will make a good character costume.