Wednesday 18 September 2013

Book Week!

Week 9 is Reremoana's annual book week.  As part of book week, Room 8 will be doing some fun and interesting reading and writing activities that will explore our favourite books and authors.

Two activities will require some preparation / help from home.  On Monday we'll be sharing our favourite books with the class, which means we need to bring in a copy of our favourite book and be ready to describe it to the class.  We'll be using our favourite books to write book reviews that will be come a 'Room 8's Favourite Books File'.  On Friday, we'll be dressing up as a character.  This character will either be a character from our favourite book, or an imaginary character that we have described ourselves as part of character poems we'll be writing.  Start giving some thought now as to what you have, or can find that will make a good character costume.

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