Sunday 30 June 2013

Hayley's Explanation .

                                                   Room 8 Choices

Every wet lunch times people are being silly. They swear  and hurt people, call names and be nasty . They act stupid and also act like idiots.

Those people should be reading a book.  They should be drawing or getting for the next lesson. They could be playing hand games with a friend silently. They could  practise singing.

People should not be swearing or hurting each other. They should not call each other stupid idiots. They should not  be going into the teacher's office.

By making good choices, people will fell safe in the classroom at wet breaks and enjoy themselves.

Janke's Explanation

                                          Room 8 Choices

People in room have been playing rough games  and pushing on class room doors which is unnecessary. People in room 8 have also made choices like  going  in to teachers office  at  wet lunch  times, unnecessary.

Some people have been making good choices like eating their food quietly and drawing  or reading quietly.  

Others have been trying to make better choices like avoiding bad ones.  When the  people are trying to work and the other person is trying to distract them  the other person  tries  really hard to ignore  them  and that's pretty  much  the choices in Room  8.

By making better  choices and  avoiding  bad ones  we  will  keep ourselves safe  and out of  trouble.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Miriama's Explanation

                                                                Room 8s choices

In room 8, some student are making nasty choices like fighting and swearing , during lunch time.

Firstly fighting could hurt people, like punch their mouth and her or his teeth might came falling of her or his mouth.

Secondly swearing could hurt their feelings, like hurting their feelings and make them cray and also swearing is a mean thing to say.

Finally if it"s a wet lunch and morning tea time you could draw, do writing , practice your maths problems, watch youtube, make birthday cards for your family and friends and reading.If you do some of these you won"t be arguing or swearing.

Remember keep room 8 safe and sound and don"t do nasty choices.

Do not do mean choices like walking into the teachers office, swearing, fighting punching and screaming.


Logan's explantion

                                                               Foolish choices

In room 8 people have been cosign problems like fighting, pushing on doors, swearing  and screaming. These are foolish choices at wet lunch times.

Firstly heres some foolish choices jumping on chairs, pushing people,  and using bad manes. Don't  do
these things.

Secondly heres some great choices to play like ,draw quite, reading books, making cards for a friend and listen post.

Finally I will tell you theres a bad choices group . I've been there 6 times or higher don't go there at all its boring.

SO don't do foolish choices at wet lunch times,you could been kick out of school . just don't do foolish choices at wet lunch times.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Lelanis' Explanation

                  Here are some good and bad choices.

Some people at damp wet lunch times, room 8 are being rude, fighting and playing rough games.We should be playing quietly.

This is what people should do: reading books, drawing, your life education books.It is mostly quiet things like eating your lunch and do not go to room 7.

This is the bad choices people are doing: going boom boom boom on room 7's door, braking equipment   
saying bad words that make people depressed and last but not lest people are yelling loudly.

This is what, up there, people should be doing all the time, but not the worst things ever! 

Brooklyn's Explanation

wet lunch time

During wet lunch time. Room 8 have been hurting people.
Like swearing and punching.

It is mostly the boy fighting. most of the time the girls do reading and
drawing maybe each a move.
Normally the boy's play punching games.
When a teacher walks in the class goos quite like most
of the girls.

We are now lerning to work as a team and not tach.
I tink most of the girls get

Faronc'e's Explanation

here are some good ideas for wet lunch  and here are my ideas .

during wet lunch  time room 8 student eat  their lunch on the  mat or the table 
 after 10 minutes the duty  teachers let the student go to play   but  some  student
 have made  horrible  choices  like screaming   yelling  jumping on   people.

I've got some fantastic ideas  about  good choices  at wet lunch time
that why I'm writing this  
firstly  you can reading, drawing  , making  cards  for a Friend ,making cards for  someone birthday.

 I  thing  room 8  should   follow these Ideas  so  the class can  be safe  also  quiet   and clean
also making  our teacher   happy   and class mates happy.


Natalia's Recount

                           FUN  NIGHT                                                 

Last sunday me and my friend Mia went on the computer and played Animal Jam. I went on my Animal Jam username.We made friends then we sent letters played falling phantoms,went to a rabbit party,went to each others homes then logged off and played monster high. 

Saturday 15 June 2013

Science Fair

The school's Science Fair happens in the last week of this term.  Each student in Room 8 is required to enter a science fair project, either individually or as part of a pair or group.  Planning, carrying out and presenting the science fair will be carried out in stages as part of our Homefun tasks for the remainder of the term.  Please see the Homefun page for instructions of what needs to be done each week.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Next Tuesday - Ti Rakau Sticks with Miss Harland

Next week we are going to be learning a routine using Ti Rakau sticks and co ordinating this with a Maori song "E Papa".  It would be fantastic if all students could bring along a set of Ti Rakau sticks which they can make using rolled up magazines.  I have explained to the students that because there hands aren't big that's its advantageous if the diameter of the sticks isn't too large as it makes it easier to pass and throw to a partner.
Please take a look at the YouTube video to see what we are learning to do:

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Room 8 - Water Safety Week with the Field of Dreams Swimming Programme

We had a fantastic day in the pool yesterday learning about water safety and what to do to help rescue someone/ourselves.  We put on life jackets and practiced:
* what to do if you fall out of a boat
* how to use a device to rescue someone
* huddling in the water to keep warm until someone rescues you
It was fun, practical learning and although we all had big smiles there is a was a serious element to this exercises.