Thursday 27 June 2013

Logan's explantion

                                                               Foolish choices

In room 8 people have been cosign problems like fighting, pushing on doors, swearing  and screaming. These are foolish choices at wet lunch times.

Firstly heres some foolish choices jumping on chairs, pushing people,  and using bad manes. Don't  do
these things.

Secondly heres some great choices to play like ,draw quite, reading books, making cards for a friend and listen post.

Finally I will tell you theres a bad choices group . I've been there 6 times or higher don't go there at all its boring.

SO don't do foolish choices at wet lunch times,you could been kick out of school . just don't do foolish choices at wet lunch times.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Logan lunch times would't be fun if you had to sit in the bad choices group...making the right choice takes practice and I'm glad to see you have thought of some really good ideas to help you and classmates learn this very important skill..keep up the good work
