Sunday 30 June 2013

Janke's Explanation

                                          Room 8 Choices

People in room have been playing rough games  and pushing on class room doors which is unnecessary. People in room 8 have also made choices like  going  in to teachers office  at  wet lunch  times, unnecessary.

Some people have been making good choices like eating their food quietly and drawing  or reading quietly.  

Others have been trying to make better choices like avoiding bad ones.  When the  people are trying to work and the other person is trying to distract them  the other person  tries  really hard to ignore  them  and that's pretty  much  the choices in Room  8.

By making better  choices and  avoiding  bad ones  we  will  keep ourselves safe  and out of  trouble.


  1. I love this Janke, this is so true. It is really important to always stop and think, am I making the right choice. Well done!
