Monday 26 August 2013

Sneak Preview - what we are working on for our calendar art

We are busy working on our calendar art designs at the moment.  We are experimenting with larger scale pictures at present (for the classroom) and will be working on our calendar art on Thursday.  Here is Callum's 'cool' (using colours from the cool side of the colour wheel) picture silohuette. We were impressed with his first attempt - we can't wait to see what he comes up with on Thursday!  

Aboriginal Artwork - Dot Technique

Our Australian Aboriginal artworks are finished!  Over a two week period we learnt about various  techniques including:  bark painting, finger painting, ceremonial body decorations and the dot technique.  These pictures took a lot of resilience as the dots took ages!
Please come in and visit our display.....

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Ella's Recount

Success Criteria:
 - Full stops and capital letters in the right places.
 - Paragraphs for each idea.

On Saturday, at night, Keelia and I went to an auction.  We sat down and waited for the first auction.  The first 40 items sold.  The next 40 were amazing.  They were wrapped in paper so you couldn’t see what was inside.

There was a weird lion thing that made roaring noises.  It meant you won a bonus prize.  We really wanted to win one.

So we asked some people if they could help us get a bonus prize.  We asked Vince last.  “Vince, can you help us?” we asked.  He replied, “yes.”

The next auction started.  “Roar” went the lion thing.  We won a bonus prize.  “Choose a number,” Emma said.  We chose number nine.  We won a box of chocolate each, and some other stuff.

We said thanks to Vince.  Keelia and I talked for a while, then we went home.

Brooklyn's Recount

Success Criteria:
 - Full stops and capital letters in the right places.
 - Paragraphs for each main idea.

After netball on Saturday, Chloe came over to my place. First of all we had spaghetti on toast and a sausage for lunch. It was yum. 

Then we went to my room and played with some toys. Chloe brought some toys too. 

Finally Pete, Chloe’s dad came and asked if Chloe could stay for a sleep over. My mum said “yes”. 

For dinner we had nachos and for pudding, chocolate mousse.

Monday 12 August 2013

Aboriginal Art

Today (and Friday last week) we have been engaged in an integrated curriculum programme focussed on Aboriginal Art.  We have been learning how to take notes, and to synthesis (re-write in our own words) the information we have learnt.  This is a really sophisticated skill for our learning and Miss Harland was delighted with the comparison between last Friday's attempt and today's effort!

In the afternoons we have been looking at Aboriginal artwork and the 'dot technique'.  Today we were learning how to draw the simple outline of animals that are found in Australia (lizard, snake, turtle, kangaroo).  We will be finishing our major art work off next week (hopefully) but we would like to show you are practice 'dot' circles in the interim.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Term 2 Science Fair

Photos of Room 8 scientists presenting their findings at the end of Term 2.

Year 5 Trip to Mangere Mountain

Photos from the recent trip the Year 5s took to Mangere Mountain.  We learned that Mangere Mountain has a rich history of Maori Settlement and fierce battles for control of the land.  We got to see and try various traditional Maori tools and learned about their farming and food storage methods.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Reremoana School Book Fair

This year the Book Fair will be held from the 23rd to the 27th of September in the library from 3pm until 4pm every afternoon. All funds raised from the sale of books will benefit the school.  There will be a wide selection of books that you can purchase, from picture books to novels.