Wednesday 14 August 2013

Ella's Recount

Success Criteria:
 - Full stops and capital letters in the right places.
 - Paragraphs for each idea.

On Saturday, at night, Keelia and I went to an auction.  We sat down and waited for the first auction.  The first 40 items sold.  The next 40 were amazing.  They were wrapped in paper so you couldn’t see what was inside.

There was a weird lion thing that made roaring noises.  It meant you won a bonus prize.  We really wanted to win one.

So we asked some people if they could help us get a bonus prize.  We asked Vince last.  “Vince, can you help us?” we asked.  He replied, “yes.”

The next auction started.  “Roar” went the lion thing.  We won a bonus prize.  “Choose a number,” Emma said.  We chose number nine.  We won a box of chocolate each, and some other stuff.

We said thanks to Vince.  Keelia and I talked for a while, then we went home.

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