Thursday 30 May 2013

Daniel's Free Choice Narrative

After school, Jack and Mandy went to a skate park.  The skate park had rails and big, ginormous jumps, with cool dudes and cool scooters.

Jack had blonde hair and long black jeans with a skeleton on them.  He also had an earring.  Mandy had black hair and 2 earrings.  She wore a football hat on heir head.

When Jack went up a ginormous jump, he was going too fast, and he went up the side of the ramp.  He fell and broke his arm.

One of the parents saw him and dialled 111.  "Hello," said the parent.
"Yes?" said the officer.
"We need help," said the parent.
The officer said, "Where are you?"
"At the skate in Papamoa," said the parent.
"OK, be there soon," said the officer.

The officer picked Jack up onto the bed.  The officer drove to the station.  "Hello," said the doctor.  "We need to put a bandage around your arm."
"OK," said Jack.

In the morning, Jack's arm was better.  He said, "I'm never going over that massive jump again!"

By Daniel

Sunday 26 May 2013

Year 5 & 6 Camp - Term 4 2013

I'll be asking for expressions of interest this week on which of our Year 5s are likely to be attending the camp in Term 4.  This is so the school can get a rough idea of numbers for planning and budgeting purposes.  Please give some thought as to whether your child is likely to attend.

I'd like to encourage all of the Year 5s in Room 8 to attend the camp, as it will be filled with exciting and memorable outdoor activities and learning experiences.  It is sure to be one of the highlights of any student's time at Reremoana School.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Harold the Giraffe and the Life Education Van

The Life Education Van is visiting Reremoana School this week and next.  Room 8's times don't begin until next week, which means there is still some time left for the last few payments to come through.

If students have not paid, they will still be able to attend the lessons in the van, however they will not be issued with an activity booklet, which contains follow-up tasks we'll be working through in class.

I'll be reminding students this week about these payments.  It would be fantastic to have all of the class able to complete the booklet work.

Mathletics, Mathletics, Mathletics!!!

Please make an effort to spend some time on Mathletics each night building your knowledge on the set courses.  Mr Blake just looked at the results of the Statistics course that's been set for the last couple of weeks and only a couple of students had any results showing!  This may be because the work was too hard for you, so you gave up on the course before the end (only finished courses show as being done).  If this is the case, I need to know about it so that I can change the work that I've set for you.

Mathletics is an important part of the Homefun programme.  It needs to be practiced regularly so that you have the knowledge to use when we learn new strategies in class.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Ella's Twisted Ending for The Three Billy Goats Gruff

"I am going to gobble you up" said the troll. 
"Oh no your not!" said the Great Big Billy Goat Gruff.
Just at that moment he shouted, "Goats!"  and a whole herd of Goats came rushing to his furry side.
"Come on gang!" roared the troll and lots of ugly looking trolls came to his side.
Suddenly a goat said, "Starting now!"
The battle began.  They all ran.  The leader of all the trolls got pushed off.
"Aha!" said the troll.
Now, without a leader the trolls were frightened, so they jumped in the water too.
The Goats were not frightened and they ran over the bridge to eat the grass, including the Great Big Billy Goat Gruff.

By Ella Barr

Caitlin's Twisted Ending for The Three Billy Goats Gruff

"I'm going to gobble you up'' roared the troll.
''Oh no you are not!'' shouted the Great Big Billy Goat Gruff.
He pushed him off the bridge, into the water, ''splash!'' The  troll tried to get help but the water kept going ''splish splash splosh."  Then the water stopped splashing.
"Help! Help! Help me please!" cried the troll.

The three billy goats helped him to get out of the water.
"Thank you," said the troll.  "Do you want to have a picnic with me?"  he asked.
The billy goats agreed to have a picnic with the troll and they became best friends for ever.

By Caitlin Purves

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Science - Mentos and Coke

We worked with Room 6 our buddy class today to conduct a fun science experiment.  We added Mentos to Diet Coke and observed what happened - impressive!  We discussed scientific vocabulary - Hypothesis, Aim, Equipment, Method, Results, Conclusion, Carbon Dioxide, Observations (listening, taste, hearing, looking, touch).  In the afternoon we wrote up our experiment using the correct scientific format as a writing task.  This was helpful learning in preparation for the Science Fair.  If you are interested you can watch the Mythbusters on You Tube to see what we have been up too.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Finished Product

We worked really hard today to finish off our kites.  The look fantastic and we have scattered them around the class to good effect!  Today we had to plait the tails (tricky stuff) and add bows to the tails.  Here is the finished product.

Kites in Room 8

After our visit to the pools we settled down into a really fun, creative art task - "Stained Glass Kites".  Over the next two days we will be learning about why our school was designed in the shape of a kite.  Today we had to cut out the frames for our kites and begin to glue in our 'stained glass' (we used coloured tracing paper or cellophane).  The gluing is a really tricky process and we had to show resilience!  Tomorrow our plan is to laminate our kites and to add plaited wool tales.  We hope to have these up on display by the end of the week.  Please see below for a work in progress photo.    

Interesting information:  Manurewa is Māori for "drifting kite". The name refers to a kite flying competition where a kite line was severed and drifted away. The kite's owner was the chief Tamapahore who had a  (fortified village) on Matuku-tururu(Wiri Mountain). The name Manurewa commemorates the incident by the name Te manu rewa o Tamapahor - The drifting kite of Tamapahore.

- Photo taken by Jacob

Monday 13 May 2013

Field of Dreams Swimming - Room 8

Another busy day in Room 8 today.  We had our first swimming lesson at the Manurewa Pools at Sykes Road.  The students were sorted into ability groups to cater for needs and everyone enjoyed their first lesson.  The Field of Dreams swimming programme will run for the duration of the term on Tuesdays.  

Sunday 12 May 2013

Room 8's Name Aliens

We were such busy bee's today.  Look at our fantastic "Alien Art".  If you look closely you can see our names hidden in the pictures.  It was quite tricky cutting out the letters and we had to work carefully to ensure that we didn't cut through the fold. Miss Harland was very impressed with us as we worked quickly and collaborated successfully with our classmates to help people that needed support.  Great team work Room 8!  Please come in and visit they look even better in person!

Congratulations - Owen, Room 8's Student Leader

Congratulations to Owen who was voted in as Room 8's Student Leader for 2013.  We underwent a rigorous process to determine our representative.
First the class was able to nominate students, we then voted to get a 'finalist' list.  Four students prepared speeches at lunchtime and then presented to the class outlining why they would be a good Student Leader.  The final vote was very close - congratulations Owen!  Well done to Callum, Hayley and Janke who all produced high quality speeches in a very short time frame. Miss H