Thursday 30 May 2013

Daniel's Free Choice Narrative

After school, Jack and Mandy went to a skate park.  The skate park had rails and big, ginormous jumps, with cool dudes and cool scooters.

Jack had blonde hair and long black jeans with a skeleton on them.  He also had an earring.  Mandy had black hair and 2 earrings.  She wore a football hat on heir head.

When Jack went up a ginormous jump, he was going too fast, and he went up the side of the ramp.  He fell and broke his arm.

One of the parents saw him and dialled 111.  "Hello," said the parent.
"Yes?" said the officer.
"We need help," said the parent.
The officer said, "Where are you?"
"At the skate in Papamoa," said the parent.
"OK, be there soon," said the officer.

The officer picked Jack up onto the bed.  The officer drove to the station.  "Hello," said the doctor.  "We need to put a bandage around your arm."
"OK," said Jack.

In the morning, Jack's arm was better.  He said, "I'm never going over that massive jump again!"

By Daniel

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