Sunday 12 May 2013

Congratulations - Owen, Room 8's Student Leader

Congratulations to Owen who was voted in as Room 8's Student Leader for 2013.  We underwent a rigorous process to determine our representative.
First the class was able to nominate students, we then voted to get a 'finalist' list.  Four students prepared speeches at lunchtime and then presented to the class outlining why they would be a good Student Leader.  The final vote was very close - congratulations Owen!  Well done to Callum, Hayley and Janke who all produced high quality speeches in a very short time frame. Miss H


  1. Nice Owen


  2. Well done to the people who tried there hardest
    to be into win the student leader.

    Just asking a question Why did every one vote
    for Owen?


  3. Congratulations Owen! Would have loved to hear those speeches....
