Thursday 23 May 2013

Caitlin's Twisted Ending for The Three Billy Goats Gruff

"I'm going to gobble you up'' roared the troll.
''Oh no you are not!'' shouted the Great Big Billy Goat Gruff.
He pushed him off the bridge, into the water, ''splash!'' The  troll tried to get help but the water kept going ''splish splash splosh."  Then the water stopped splashing.
"Help! Help! Help me please!" cried the troll.

The three billy goats helped him to get out of the water.
"Thank you," said the troll.  "Do you want to have a picnic with me?"  he asked.
The billy goats agreed to have a picnic with the troll and they became best friends for ever.

By Caitlin Purves


  1. wow that was so cool i liked the ending

    from emma


  2. Catilin

    same as Ella
    keep up the great work
