Thursday 28 February 2013

Introducing Carys

Carys is a student. Her birthday is April 24.
She has one brother, Brayden.
Her favourite foods are pizza, passionfruit and mince pies.
She likes Lego and Sylvanian Families too. Her favourite colours are blue, pink and purple. She dislikes crocodiles. She loves puppies.

Written by Caitlin

Wednesday 27 February 2013

We're Learning to be Blogging Experts!

Today Room 8 students started to publish the introductions they wrote about their classmate. Ms Fothergill had created an outline for them to follow, and she walked two students, Ryo and Callum, through the process. These students then became 'experts' who were able to assist the next person with the publication of their blog post. Kaylee and Logan were expert helpers too.

Click here to see what we needed to do.

And watch these videos to see the experts in action!

Introducing Logan

Logan is a Year 4 student in Room 8. His birthday is on the 28th January 2004 so that makes him 9 years old. In Logan’s family he has no brothers or sisters but lots of aunties and uncles and cousins as well. He lives with His Mum, Kobie and his Dad, Grant.
Logan likes to play video games, especially Skylanders. He also likes his trampoline because he likes imagining when he is jumping. Logan does not like people fighting, and he does not like rice  or tomato.
Logan’s favourite animal is a pterabird from the dinosaur age. His favourite place to go on holiday is going to the snow. His favourite restaurants are Celsius and Lone Star and he also likes KFC.
Logan says that the best thing about being in Room 8 is that we are all nice to each other.

Introducing Jacob

Jacob is 8. His birthday is on the 9th of January.
In Jacob’s family he has one sister and two brothers.
He likes rockets. He doesn’t like bullies or rocks. 
His favourite sports are BMX and soccer. His favourite country is America. His favourite animal is a cat.
The best thing about Room 8 is that we do laps around the field.

Written by Danika

Introducing Kaylee

Kaylee’s birthday is in May 6. She is 7 turning 8. That is cool. She has 2 awesome Dads and 2 cool Mums. She must be lucky.
Kaylee loves going to the park on her bike. She doesn’t like bullies and she doesn’t like sharks. That is so scary, so that’s why.
Her favourite colour is green, dark and light. That’s my second favourite. Kaylee’s favourite toy is the big elephant and her pony, that’s cute. Her favourite food is lasagne, Mmmmmm. That’s yum. Her Mum’s food is yum.
Her best thing about being in Room 8 is that she has some friends. Me too.

Written by Daniel

Introducing Zachary

Zachary is a student of Room 8 and he likes to be called Zak.
Zak’s birthday is on February 9th but his age is a secret.
Zak has a small family and one brother.
Zak likes reptile because they are interesting. He doesn’t like any eggs.
Zak’s favourite animal is a Komodo dragon and his favourite drink is coke and his favourite food is nachos with cheese.
Zak likes playing on the iPod because you can learn. Zak is cool.
Written by Faronce

Introducing Daniel

Daniel’s birthday is July 8th, and he is turning 9. He is lucky.
In Daniel’s family he has one brother called Connor, one Mum and one Dad.
Daniel likes sharks and lizards. Daniel doesn’t like sharks that much. He does not like mean people. He loves WWE toys, his favourite colour is dark red and he likes rock and roll music.

Written by Kaylee

Introducing Faronce

Faronc’e is a student ion Room 8. His birthday is August the 15th but his age is a secret, He has a big family, 3 brothers and 4 sisters.
Faronc’e likes computers because you can play lots of games. He dislikes hot chili.
Faronc’e’s favourite toy is transformers and his favourite animal is a lion and his favourite food is ice-cream, strawberry flavour.
Faronc’e’s best thing about being in Room 8 is playing on the iPods because we learn. Faronc’e is a good runner.

Written by Zak

Introducing Ryo

Ryo is a student of Room 8. Ryo’s birthday is May 1st and Ryo’s age is 9. 
Ryo has no brothers and sisters, he is the only one.
Ryo likes games like Pokemon Black 2. Ryo dislikes carrot.
Ryo’s favourite colour is black.
Ryo’s favourite  toy is Lego.
Ryo’s favourite food is curry on rice.
Ryo’s best thing about being in Rom 8 is learning English.

Written by Jessika

Introducing Callum

Callum is a student in Room 8. Callum’s birthday is May the 6th 2003 and he is 9. 
In Callum’s family he has two cats that are called Ella and Elvis. He also has a Dad and a Mum called Mu and Fiona and also has a brother called Finn.
Callum likes patting cats and art. He dislikes mushrooms and falling off bikes.
Hi favourite TV programmes are Avengers and Tintin. His favourite foods are subway and KFC. HIs favourite drink is Sprite and frozen lime.
His best thing about being in Room 8 is the teachers and the students because he learns and makes new friends.

Written by Hayley

Introducing Hayley

Hayley is a student in Room 8. Her birthday is on October 19 2004 and she is turning 9. 
In Hayely’s family she has two cats called Boots and Socks. SHe also has two dogs called Pepie and Bella, a brother called Blake and a Mum and a Dad called Jillian and Royce.
Hayley likes netball and soccer. She dislikes spiders and cat scratching. 
Hayley’s favourite TV programme is Jesse and Spongebob. Her favourite foods are subway and KFC. Her favourite drinks are water and frozen cola.
Hayley likes being in room 8 because the students are nice and funny.

Written by Callum

Introducing Ms F

Ms Fothergill’s birthday is September the 30th and her age is a secret.
She has two brothers, one younger and one older and a fiance called Shane. 
She likes travelling to other countries and photography. She doesn’t like bad drivers and eggplant.
Her favourite TV programmes are cooking programmes like Masterchef.. Her favourite colour is blue. Her favourite food is ice-cream. 
Her best thing about being in Room 8 is that the children have good manners and like to learn.

Written by Logan

Introducing Jessika

Jessika is a student of Room 8. Her birthday is 30th January and her age is 8. 
Jessika has one little brother names Dylan.
Jessika likes running laps around the field.
Jessika dislikes mean people.
Her favourite toy is pero pets and her favourite game is Rachet and Clank! Jessika’s favourite fruit is banana.
Her best thing about being in Room 8 is reading.

Written by Ryo

Thursday 21 February 2013

Picasso - would you like to give something cool a go at home?

Homework Task - Room 8 (and anyone for that fact) would you like to give something fun a go?  We are looking at Pablo Picasso for Visual Art.  Click on the link below and try making your own Picasso Picture "Picasso Head" online.  Email me your creation:  I look forward to seeing what you have created.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Introducing... Mr Blake

Here is the blog post Ms Fothergill wrote to help us create our own introductions. 

Mr Blake is the teacher of Room 8. His birthday is August 9th and his age is a secret! 

Mr Blake has three sisters, two older and one younger. He also has a wife called Praneeta. 

Mr Blake likes exercise, especially weight training and mountain biking. He does not like brussel spouts or mean people. 

Mr Blake’s favourite food is chicken - any type of chicken. His favourite colour is blue and bedtime is his favourite time of day.

According to Mr Blake, the best thing about being in Room 8 is that there are lots of helpful students.

Introducing Room 8!

With Ms Fothergill, Room 8 students are learning how to compose and present interesting blog posts of their own. We have talked about our blog reading audience, and know that potentially, anyone in the world can read what we write and present on our blog. Therefore what we include on the blog has to be interesting for a range of people to read.

We are all pretty interesting in Room 8, so who wouldn't want to read about us? Over the next few weeks, visitors to the Room 8 blog will get the chance to 'meet' us all. Here's what we are doing to enable that:

  • Team up with one other person from our class
  • Take a digital photo of our partner
  • Interview each other to find out some interesting things to help us with our writing
  • Use these ideas to write an introduction about our partner

Ms Fothergill will then download our photos and word process our writing to help us with the next part...

  • Upload the photo of our partner
  • Copy and paste the introduction we wrote about our partner
  • Tag our own name, and our partner's name
  • Encourage family members to visit and comment on our Introductions

Monday 18 February 2013

Pablo Picasso - Thursday

Thursday - Room 8 will be 'collaborating' to complete a class art lesson.  Collaborating - 'working together co operatively' is an important aspect of our School Learning Model.

We are looking at the artist Pablo Picasso and his cubism period.  Each student in the class will complete a part of the art work below, and we will join them together to see how successfully we have collaborated.

If you would like to learn more about Pablo Picasso please click on the link below which will take you to a fun 'Web Quest'.

Web Quest

Thursday 14 February 2013

Mathematics - Gloss Testing

Maths Testing - this week Mr Blake has been completing individual diagnostic "Gloss Testing" for mathematics (numeracy) with each student in the class.  This testing helps to determine the stage (using the mathematics curriculum framework - that each child is working at.  Learning the basic facts at this stage of the curriculum is really important.  Thank you to families that are spending time on this each week.  It really does pay off!

Crazy Room 8

Ella - look at us we are monkeys. I am learning to write on the blog.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Valentines Day in Room 8

Special Day in Room 8
Today we celebrated Valentines Day.  We set up seven fun activities and learning experiences in the classroom and we "bus stopped" around the stations.  We had to mange our time so that over the course of the afternoon we had finished all of them.  We had lots of fun!

 Using the iPods to practice our basic facts
 Word Search
Art -  Print Making "Marble Hearts"
 Super Sundae's
  Super Sundae's
 Super Sundae's

 Super Sundae's
 Maths - Multiplication and Division, Basic Facts
Word Search
 Art -  Print Making 
The ipods will be integrated back into curriculum subjects - Reading/Maths, but this is an excellent way to start learning the 'apps'.  The only we learnt today is called "Rocket".
  Super Sundae's
Everyone busy in the class.  We are learning how to manage ourselves and make good learning choices.
 Super Sundae's

Thursday 7 February 2013

Room 8 Pastel Art

Tyrone/Carys - Yesterday we completed some Pastel Art with Miss Harland.  We learnt about Primary Colours - Red, Blue and Yellow and Secondary Colours - Green, Orange and Purple.  We also learnt about Complementary Colours.  Complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel and look great together!  Can you see our names hidden in the pictures.  Please come and visit our classroom.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Kia Ora and welcome back for 2013,

My name is David Blake and I am your child’s teacher this year.  A little about me: I recently married last December, my interests include health and fitness, ICT, media / journalism and I’ve recently taken up mountain biking and photography.  In teaching, I really enjoy maths, writing and P.E.

I want to extend an invitation to all Whanau to pop in to say hi, before or after school, especially during the first couple of weeks of the year.  It’s important to discuss any questions you may have and it’s helpful for me for getting to know the students and to maintain open communication with families right from the start.  If I haven’t met you by the end of week 3 I’ll make some phone calls to introduce myself.

I’m looking forward to an exciting and productive year of learning.

David Blake