Wednesday 27 February 2013

We're Learning to be Blogging Experts!

Today Room 8 students started to publish the introductions they wrote about their classmate. Ms Fothergill had created an outline for them to follow, and she walked two students, Ryo and Callum, through the process. These students then became 'experts' who were able to assist the next person with the publication of their blog post. Kaylee and Logan were expert helpers too.

Click here to see what we needed to do.

And watch these videos to see the experts in action!


  1. I can see that you are all becoming fantastic expert bloggers, Room 8. Love from Mrs Bennett.

  2. What exciting learning Room 8 and Ms Fothergill. I got a big surprise when I popped in to visit the blog at the number of posts that have been uploaded - Good on you all!

    It's amazing to think that people all around the world can read this blog isn't it! I have really enjoyed reading these "Introductions" and I make connections with everyone that I read about the likes and dislikes that you all have.

    I think the video's are excellent too. Make some time to check out blog's from other classes. Room 6 and Room 11 are busy posting helpful video's at the moment for maths learning.

    1. Thank you for your reply Miss Harland. We are going to see other classes who are doing helpful blogs. We might leave them a comment!
      Room 8 Students

  3. I'm so pleased to see the students of Room 8 taking ownership of our classroom blog to share our learning with families, friends and anyone else from around the world who may take an interest in it.
