Wednesday 27 February 2013

Introducing Logan

Logan is a Year 4 student in Room 8. His birthday is on the 28th January 2004 so that makes him 9 years old. In Logan’s family he has no brothers or sisters but lots of aunties and uncles and cousins as well. He lives with His Mum, Kobie and his Dad, Grant.
Logan likes to play video games, especially Skylanders. He also likes his trampoline because he likes imagining when he is jumping. Logan does not like people fighting, and he does not like rice  or tomato.
Logan’s favourite animal is a pterabird from the dinosaur age. His favourite place to go on holiday is going to the snow. His favourite restaurants are Celsius and Lone Star and he also likes KFC.
Logan says that the best thing about being in Room 8 is that we are all nice to each other.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see that you are an expert Logan. I made a connection to your writing as I also really like Celsius! I also agree everyone in Room 8 is really nice to each other.
