Wednesday 20 February 2013

Introducing Room 8!

With Ms Fothergill, Room 8 students are learning how to compose and present interesting blog posts of their own. We have talked about our blog reading audience, and know that potentially, anyone in the world can read what we write and present on our blog. Therefore what we include on the blog has to be interesting for a range of people to read.

We are all pretty interesting in Room 8, so who wouldn't want to read about us? Over the next few weeks, visitors to the Room 8 blog will get the chance to 'meet' us all. Here's what we are doing to enable that:

  • Team up with one other person from our class
  • Take a digital photo of our partner
  • Interview each other to find out some interesting things to help us with our writing
  • Use these ideas to write an introduction about our partner

Ms Fothergill will then download our photos and word process our writing to help us with the next part...

  • Upload the photo of our partner
  • Copy and paste the introduction we wrote about our partner
  • Tag our own name, and our partner's name
  • Encourage family members to visit and comment on our Introductions

1 comment:

  1. This is great learning for all of Room 8 Ms Fothergill. We completed a Six Thinking Hats reflection at the end of the day on Thursday and a number of students commented that this was their 'yellow hat' (positive) from the day. I look forward to reading some of the blog posts. Its also great that everyone in Room 8 will understand that when we make a comment or a post, potentially anyone/anywhere can read it.
